Walked to the IT section, had Baskin Robbins (thanks alot) =) and went into the hardware store for the fun of it. Played with the "weapons" inside heheh.
Can't decide on which webcam I should buy, ended up not getting one, sorry =/
Joined Kat at about 3.15pm at Yoshinoya where he's having lunch, then met up with the rest at the cinema just before the movie.
X-Men Origins : Wolverine. My second time watching. I don't mind watching it again, since it's pretty good, and I get to watch together with her, beside me =)
Regrouped with Sarah, Shawn, together with his girlfriend and a friend, which didn't attend the movie, at Chilis. We need to wait half an hour, maybe more, for a table that could accommodate all of us. We decided to switch places.
Food Gardens, at The Gardens. Basically a large food court. The food there is pretty good. We paid our share for the Left 4 Dead game server, enough for a whole year. Ate our food, and talked. We stayed there for more than 2 hours.
8.30pm, and we took a group picture. I followed Wendy and Sarah, then everyone went our seperate ways. After accompanying them to where they get picked up, I went home.
Cant wait to see you again =)
We should try some other ice-cream next time, k ?
Warm head, cold hands. o.O
Can't wait to see you again =)
Sure =)
Duno why it happens like that O.o
Can't wait to see you too =)
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