Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I love this feeling, do you?

So yesterday, I went to Low Yat Plaza to help Wendy's sister, Sarah, find a Siberia Neckband, never imagine that it would cost so much more than the full sized one.

Well, she wanted a neckband, so she bought it anyway, for RM370.

Later, Wendy treated me to lunch ^^ thanks a lot =)

Went to shop for groceries with them afterwards, I've never felt happier while shopping for groceries. She's so sweet =)

Drove them to the station after that, don't know the route to their home so just dropped them off, and we parted ways. They were soaked by the rain =(

Nevertheless, I'm really happy just to see her for a few short hours. I made sure I make the most out of the time, and I'm happy.

Hope to see you again soon k? ^^

Thanks for the cookies too, love it ^^


Anonymous said...

you forgot about the cookies =(

allenaw88 said...

Edited xP